Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Moving Toward Normal

We had a great weekend here at the apartment with the whole family.  The weather was great and Abby is doing wonderfully!  She continues to have more energy and feel less nauseous.  The C.diff symptoms are still with her, but they are slowly getting better.  Most likely, she will need to continue treatment for the infection after Wednesday's last medicine dose but that's not a surprise.  C.diff is hard to get rid of when you are immunocompromised.

I am down here with Abby for the first part of this week.  We had our Monday clinic appointment and we walked there!  Huge success for Abby.  Walking there meant also walking back and she wanted to get some ingredients to make some dishes she picked from a cookbook Anna and Lily brought her so it was a day of walking.  Even my feet were sore at the end of the day.  The clinic report was great.  Her platelets have officially engrafted and are now in the low end of the normal range.  Her red blood cells are slowly moving towards normal as well, which accounts for her having more energy.  Her white count is also in the normal range.  It can take awhile for her total immunity to be in the safe range but she is well on her way!

We also got the go ahead for a trip to the aquarium on Friday.  Very exciting.  But, the most exciting news of the day was the possibility of going home overnight Saturday and attending church Sunday!  Abby was ecstatic. Well, as ecstatic as a 14 year old can be.  I got to see her huge, crinkly-eyed smile when we heard the news.  Kelly, one of my favorite nurse practitioners, said that if she is still doing so great at Thursday's appointment then we can do an overnight!

Today we are getting school done and then going to the Angry Birds movie.  I'm ready for some silly entertainment.


Unknown said...

Wow! That is all so encouraging!! Bringing me to tears! Praying that the progress continues and I will look for you in church on Sunday! Much love to you all!

VITA DVDs said...

Woohoo!!! What wonderful news! We're delighted that all of you are doing so well.

Great pictures!

Kathi and Wayne