Ah... A break. Finally I can tell you all about how Abby and the family is doing.
Tiffany and the girls went down to CHOA last week for Abby's monthly appointment. Here blood counts were great! ANC was up at 4700 and her total white count way up at 8600. I didn't even now it could be that high, well at least without being too high and cancerous. Other than the time when it was at 70,000(total white count) when she was diagnosed, I had never seen it higher than about 2,400 (TWC). Crazy. This is the first blood count report sheet that we've ever gotten with no flags on it! everything was in the "normal" ranges! Yippee.
She seems to have fought off any sinus infections so far even though she's had her share of colds this fall/winter like the rest of the house. The IvIG may be helping so they are going to continue to give to her through the winter. After that she can get her medi-port out and be about as normal as any other little 6 year old. Can you believe it, she's going to be 6 her in a month! How time flys when you're fighting cancer.
I have to tell you, it's pretty weird being on the other side of this thing. Not having to get her up to give her meds. Not having to drive to Denver every week or more often. Not having to, well I guess I never had to, worry so much about what would be the outcome of this disease. It's just weird, good weird but still a strange place to be in it's own right.
There's a ton more to tell but I can only fit so much on a post so I'll have to save the details for later. I'll probably be posting more in the next couple weeks since I'll have some more time to reflect. And because Abby's diagnosis date was right after Christmas, I'll probably have even more to think and write about.
Thanks again for checking up on our family and Merry Christmas to you all!
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