Thursday, December 31, 2015

36 hour high-dose methotrexate

Abby has been the hospital for the last couple days. She checked in Tuesday, had a spinal tap with chemo (went under for that one). Then she started her 36 hour high-does methotrexate infusion. She should be done with that in a few hours. Then she'll get a single does of the PEG (the one that they gave her shots instead of last time because of a possible reaction). They've looked into that minor reaction from when she was 5 and a going to try it today instead of 6 more Erwinia shots. I'm happy with that. Those shots were rough!

Next week Abby will get 5 days of other chemo agents. 4 to 5 hour infusions each day. These will probably make her very nauseous and will drop her counts back to super low again by mid January (1 week later).

This is quite the opposite of what we were planning on doing during this Christmas and Bew Years break. We actually have a rental in Hawaii that we were suppose to be enjoying. I removed all the phone reminders but I still flipped over to check the weather in Estes Park yesterday (10 degrees) and saw that it was 70 degrees in Hawaii. Such a contrast. Snow here, sun there. Hospital infusions here, beaches there. It's hard to not grow bitter in my sadness about the change of our circumstances with these contrasted of what could've been. Hopefully we'll be able to redo some of these things, that we have put aside/missed for now, at sometime in the future. 

Abby is in good spirits. Hospitals make everyone tired but other than that we are doing ok. Have a happy New Years!

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