Saturday, January 28, 2017

Going home

We are moving towards going home today.  Nothing has changed but they've done all the tests they can think of and all is negative.  Abby had a CT scan of her sinuses and gut, an eye exam, an ultrasound of her elbow joints that are not working very well, and an ECHO of her heart all yesterday afternoon to see if there are any pockets of infection hiding in those areas.  As of this morning, everything looks fine in those areas.  She is still getting the 104 fevers, throwing up, in a ton of pain when she moves, and coughing a lot.  But, they feel safe sending her home knowing that she will be more comfortable and sleep better there.  She has to be able to take and keep down all her medications and drink enough fluids to stay home so we are going to give it a try.  We are obviously so happy to go home, but also know there is a lot of care and work needed to keep her there.  We'll keep you posted.  Nothing to report of the serum syndrome vs. virus/infection front.  Still waiting on some blood tests that might shed light on the serum syndrome side and help them decide whether a dose of oral steroids would be a good idea.


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